New Favorite TV Show – My Cat from Hell

Ok, so I love, love, love weird, uncomfortable, sometimes trashy, reality TV shows, and my newest favorite is the Animal Planet gem “My Cat from Hell”.

My Cat from Hell is the lovechild of The Dog Whisperer and every viral cat video you’ve ever seen.  These people have the most horrible cats you’ve ever seen, and they feel their only option is to call Jackson Galaxy.

Right now you’re thinking “Who the flying flip is Jackson Galaxy?”, and wondering why you should care.  Jackson Galaxy is “a musician by night, and a cat behavioralist by day” (yes, that’s a direct quote from the show intro).  Whenever a “cat guardian” comes to him for help, he grabs his guitar case full of toys and cat treats and races off in his old, pink convertible to help.  He looks like this (brace yourself ladies and gays!) :

Oh yes.  The weird facial hair, that he likes to change from time to time to mix things up, the sleeve tattoos (there are a few cats on those sleeves), the funky glasses that also change with his mood, and that sleek bald head.  It’s clear to see why he is the “Cat Daddy”.

And he kinda is.  I mean, he always seems to be able to resolve the problems and stop the cats from pissing in the house and biting people.  I love watching the cats in the show going from “spiteful urinators” and scratching machines to cute, fuzzy, huggable little kittens.

The show is almost always running marathon style weekends on Animal Planet.  Next time you’re flipping through the channels and can’t find anything better, give it a go.  You might find yourself purring happily as you watch 🙂


Here’s a little taste:





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